dimecres, 8 de juliol del 2009

Weather with you

Per molts anys, Reina!

Walking 'round the room
singing"Story Weather",
at 57 Mt Pleasant St.
Well, it's the same room but everything's different.
You can fight the sleep but not the dream.

Things ain't cooking
in my kitchen.
Strange afflictions wash over me.
Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire
Couldn't conquer the blue sky....

There's a small boat made of china.
It's going nowhere on the mantlepiece.
Well do I lie like a loungeroom lizard,
or do I sing like a bird released.

Everywhere you go,
you always take the weather with you.
Everywhere you go,
you always take the weather.
Everywhere you go,
you always take the weather with you.
everywhere you go,
you always take the weather, take the weather, the weather with you.

2 comentaris:

elisabet ha dit...

Aquesta entrada és més certa que mai!!! Hahahahahaaa! Always take the weather with you!!!

Monique LaMer ha dit...

Oh, ha segut sense voler! Ahir no plovia!!!
De qualsevol manera, Roig, "Tenia lluviosa, tenia dichosa"!!