diumenge, 5 de juliol del 2009

Building a wall

desde hace tiempo que no puedes ir no lo hace más fácil.....

There's nowhere to defect to any more

I'm building a wall
a fine wall
not so much to keep you out
more to keep me in
I'm building a wall
a fine wall
not so much to keep you out
more to keep me in

Back then on a bomb-site
we were spies among the ruins
Such precocious barbarians
On TV we saw
cold war

There's no where to defect to any more

I'm leaving the world
It's all wrong
not so much what men are doing
much more what they're not
I'm building a wall
a fine wall
not so much to keep you out
more to keep me in

Jesus and The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Caesar conquered Gaul
Scouting for centurions
on a Roman wall

"Through the woods, the trees
and further on the sea
We lived in the shadow of the war
Sand in the sandwiches
wasps in the tea
It was a free country"
"Who d'you think you are? Captain Britain?"

I'm building a wall
a fine wall
not so much to keep you out
more to keep me in
I'm losing my head
Well, why not?
More work for the undertaker
means there's less for me
I'm building a wall
a fine wall
not so much to keep you out
more to keep me in.

2 comentaris:

elisabet ha dit...

no pots anar-hi de cap de les maneres???

Monique LaMer ha dit...

No, snif snif...podria anar el mateix dia del concert però a l´endemà treballe i no puc tornar-hi a València de nit! I encara que em queda un dia lliure en la excusa de les vacances en juliol no te´n donen....els astres s´han confabulat i a més, a qui se li ocurrix fer un concert en dimecres?? els he vist 3 vegades, i totes ací, però precisament este nou disc és molt bó...i esta cançó m´encanta...punyeta!....