dijous, 2 de setembre del 2010

El árbol del pan

...sigo pensando en las múltiples posibilidades que cada género literario nos ofrece, y cada vez tengo más claro lo importante que es aprender a hacer pan....

Being boring- Pet Shop Boys

I came across a cache of old photos
and invitations to teenage parties
'Dress in white' one said with quotations
from someone's wife, a famous writer
in the nineteen-twenties
When you're young you find inspiration
in anyone who's ever gone
and opened up a closing door
She said we were never feeling bored

'cause we were never being boring

We had too much time to find for ourselves
and we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought then thought make amends
And we were never holding back or worried that
time would come to an end

When I went I left from the station

with a haversack and some trepidation
Someone said if you're not careful
you'll have nothing left and nothing to care for
in the nineteen-seventies
But I sat back and looking forward
my shoes were high and I had scored
I'd bolted through a closing door
and I would never find myself feeling bored

'cause we were never being boring

We had too much time to find for ourselves
and we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought then thought make amends
And we were never holding back or worried that
time would come to an end
We were always hoping that, looking back
you could always rely on a friend

Now I sit with different faces

in rented rooms and foreign places
All the people I was kissing
some are here and some are missing
in the nineteen-nineties
I never dreamt that I would get to be
the creature that I always meant to be
but I thought in spite of dreams
you'd be sitting somewhere here with me

'cause we were never being boring

We had too much time to find for ourselves
and we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought then thought make amends
And we were never holding back or worried that
time would come to an end
We were always hoping that, looking back
you could always rely on a friend

And we were never being boring

We were never being bored
'cause we were never being boring
We were never being bored

6 comentaris:

Comtessa d´Angeville ha dit...

El mig any que vaig viure a Finlàndia allà ens feiem cada setmana el pa a casa... ai.

Unknown ha dit...

..creo que lo del pan es un gran género literario, eso si, hay que leer lentamente y con paciencia, el secreto siempre esta en la masa, y en la temperatura del horno, para obtener un buen resultado...,

Monique LaMer ha dit...

Benvolguda Comtessa, ara que pensa tornar a casa, pense que els forns funcionen igual en finlàndia que en la comunitat ...i que les bones costums atravesen fronteres!

Monique LaMer ha dit...

....la calidad de los ingredientes y el cuidado en la elaboración de la receta también es importante, querida almenas...

Jose Angel ha dit...

Cuando he visto el título del post pensaba que ibas a hablar de la peli "Rebelión a bordo" con esa aventura en busca del árbol del pan a las américas... La decepción inicial se ha convertido en una grata lectura para mis ojos y en una buen música para mis oidos. Ole tu subri.

Monique LaMer ha dit...

Tú siempre tan amable...algún día la comentaremos vos y yo. Un abrazo